Learn how to save your furry friend's life at our Pet CPR Workshop while supporting the Whistler Animal Shelter (WAG)! Pet CPR Workshop-Whistler Animal Shelter...
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Please familiarize yourself with this protocol for pet poison and toxin exposure: If you suspect your pet has ingested a poison or toxin, it is always considered...
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Important Points About Fractures Fractured bones can create sharp edges (sharp as a knife) that can cut/ traumatize surrounding tissues, blood vessels and nerves. It ...
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Important points when dealing with eyes: When you have concerns about a pet's eyes, it is always best to have the pet evaluated by a...
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THE CLOCK IS TICKING.... Be familiar with the concept of the GOLDEN HOUR, a concept adapted from human medicine -- meaning for certain emergencies if...
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Pets can easily choke or become strangulated- these are common emergencies. Common scenarios where strangulation happens: when pets become ensnared in another pet's collar while...
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You can easily modify any stuffed animal (preferably a dog that approximates the sizes you will encounter) and make a CPR dummy like the one...
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THE CLOCK IS TICKING! Be familiar with the concept of the GOLDEN HOUR, a concept adapted from human medicine -- meaning for certain emergencies...
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Welcome to the Twin Trees Pet First Aid Course. I'm your instructor, Dr. Melinda Lopez. I have more than a decade of experience working as...
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STAY CALM AND TAKE A DEEP BREATH The re is a saying: "Do your best and let go of the rest." There will always be circumstances...
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